Vacancy for the position of Deputy General Secretary (DGS), IFUT.

January, 2021

The Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) is recruiting a Deputy General Secretary (DGS)

IFUT is inviting applications from interested persons for this role.  Those interested should apply with a full CV setting out their experience and skills to

Applications must be received no later than 5pm on Thursday, 18th of February 2021. A short-list of Applicants will be formed and invited for interview on either the 25th or 26th of February with an expectation that the successful candidate will commence in the role on the 1st of June 2021. Further information on the role is available on request from the General Secretary’s office by e-mail at


Job Description

The permanent, full-time DGS will work under the direction of the General Secretary (GS) so as to:

  • Further the objectives of the Federation, in accordance with the Rules, including the advancement of higher education and research, and the protection and promotion of academic freedom
  • Take overall responsibility for the planning of organising and recruitment across IFUT
  • Take responsibility for industrial relations matters, both of a collective and of an individual nature, including referrals to the WRC and Labour Court.
  • Represent IFUT in its dealings with employers, governmental and non- governmental organisations, and other unions and cognate professional bodies (both national and international), alongside the GS, or on occasion, deputising for the GS
  • Take a significant role in promoting IFUT’s aims and objectives in the media, including social media, under the direction of the GS
  • Actively promote equality and diversity in all aspects of IFUT’s work
  • Carry out other duties, including but not limited to supporting the branches of the Federation and overseeing matters essential to the strategic advancement of IFUT


Person Specification

Essential Attributes:

  • A commitment to and understanding of the objects of the organisation
  • A high level of expertise and experience in industrial relations/trade union representation and in engaging with the ICTU and industrial relations bodies including the WRC and Labour Court.
  • A proven track record in organising and recruitment into union membership
  • A proven ability to work effectively, in a cohesive, flexible, and collegial fashion, in a team
  • High level of written and verbal communication skills, IT skills
  • A capability to build relationships with external bodies
  • A commitment to maintaining and enhancing positive relations with branches and members
  • Proven qualities of leadership and initiative
  • A willingness to undertake national and international travel required to fulfil the role

Desirable Attributes:

  • Knowledge of Equality legislation
  • A recognised third level qualification
  • An awareness of Academic Freedom and its importance