Teaching with Tech: The Role of Education Unions in Shaping the Future (EI Survey Report)

Education International

Text by: Education International    Published: 25.11.2020    Last edited: 30.11.2020

Today Education International released the report of its Future of Work in Education Global Survey on the use of technology in education. Produced by Dr Christina Colclough, the report was launched during a special session of the Education International Executive Board.

EdTech – education technology – is a booming industry that has grown at an accelerated pace in 2020, spurred on by the school closures caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. While education technologies bring the promise of personalised learning systems that hold the potential to adapt education to the 21st century, they also pose several challenges, including the risk of deepening divides relating to access to education.

Conducted amid global school closures, in June, July and August 2020, the Future of Work in Education Surveyaims to shed light on the expansion of technology in education, the implications in terms of access to education, educators’ involvement in assessing these tools and their impact on learners, and the way EdTech changes the teaching profession. The report highlights several striking findings that will inform the work of Education International and its member organisations in the future.


For more information please visit:  Teaching with Tech: The Role of Education Unions in Shaping the Future

and see the Teaching with Tech survey report attached below.