Higher education in Education council meeting 30-31 May


To: HERSC members


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the Council of education ministers met on 30-31 May, and among others they discussed about modernization of higher education. 

Please find more information here: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/eycs/2016/05/30-31/

Please find attached the outcomes of the meeting. Page 11-12 of this report mentions that the Presidency has selected three key topics - developed by three member states – for the discussion: 


– increasing the labour market relevance of higher education (Estonia)

– preparing engaged citizens (Belgium)

– the changing roles of teaching staff (Slovenia)


Furthermore, ministers concluded that the main aspects to be taken into account for modernising higher education were the following: 

– more work-based learning into academic curricula

– better connections between formal education and non-formal learning

– exploration of the potential of digital learning

– investment in well-prepared and qualified teachers

– increased international mobility

– greater flexibility in higher education systems

– strengthened quality assurance

– improved access to higher education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds


Kind regards,

ETUCE Secretariat