ETUE: REQUEST: Truth for Giulio Regeni campaign


REQUEST: Truth for Giulio Regeni campaign

To: HERSC members


Dear Colleagues,


In our meeting in Bologna HERSC members agreed to support the “Truth for Giulio Regeni” campaign.  


Amnesty Italy has now out up a new online petition (in English) at


We would like to encourage you to publicise and distribute this petition.   


Kind regards,

ETUCE Secretariat

Education International, European Region


5 bd du Roi Albert II 1210 Brussels Belgium

The ETUCE, the European Trade Union Committee for Education is the European Region of Education International representing 131 teachers’ unions in Europe with 11 million individual members from all levels of education.

The ETUCE is the European Social Partner in education and a European Trade Union Federation in ETUC, The European Trade Union Confederation.