COUNTDOWN: Your input is needed for the pledge campaign!

Dear all,

Through the past weeks, we have been making good progress on developing the pledge campaign software. Now – to be able to stick to our plans of launching in May – we need your input to fill it up with quality content so we can have a strong impact right from the beginning!

1) Questions to the MEPs

In the attachment, you can find our first collection of possible questions to the MEPs. This is to large extent based on the feedback we received from our supporters across Europe to the survey in our March Newsletter.

Please let us know, for each of the 5 main areas, which are the 3 questions you would suggest to use. You can either pick from our suggestions, you can modify them, or you can draft your own questions. You can also note if you oppose some of the suggested questions. 

If you write your own suggestions, please try to formulate them the way the other questions are (i.e. MEPs should be able to answer "yes" or "no") and try to focus on CETA. You can also write a short explanation - one paragraph - to the questions you propose.

Please send your proposals asap, preferably by end of next week (29 April) the very latest!

2) MEP statements

In the tool, we would also like to use public statements from MEPs on CETA & TTIP. We would be really happy to receive input from you for the MEPs from your countries - preferably in both the original language and translated to English, noting also the source of the citation.

3) Testing

We will start testing the campaign tool from next week on. Please let us know, if you are interested in participating in this, by sending the names and email addresses of all persons who would participate in the testing to

4) Budget

The good news are: We had a surprisingly strong response to our call for donations in our last newsletter – so we can already be sure that we will be able to finance a minimum version of the campaign. However, we are still far from meeting our "ideal budget" - i.e. to be able to develop further functions for the campaign tool and to support weaker campaigns with translations and promotional activities. So if your organisation is able to make a contribution, please get in touch with us!

Have a nice weekend!


Dániel Fehér
Campaign Manager | +49 30 28482-373 |

Stop TTIP | Marienstr. 19, 10117 Berlin, Germany |