Mobilization Info & Materials: Hannover TTIP/ CETA Demo 23 April

Dear friends and colleagues

Remember the StopTTIP &CETA Demo in Berlin last October? The groups behind it are back into action:

President Obama and Chancellor Merkel  are coming to Hannover town on 23. April to open the annual industry fair.

NGOs (attac, foe germany, campact!, greennpeace, oxfam etc.),  unions (ver.di, DGB niedersachsen) & parties (greens & left)
are preparing a demonstration in Hannover on Saturday, 23 April starting at 10:00 am at "Opernplatz" to highlight once again the large-scale oppostion to TTIP and CETA!

If your networks can help mobilise and/or join the action then this would be really good & important in showing the wide-spread opposition to TTIP/CETA throughout Europe!
And of course, the more the merrier!

The action website is:
Call to action in EN:
Action flyer in EN:
FB: & Twitter: @TTIP_Demo 
How to get there &car-share:

Thank you for sharing and till next time,


Michael, Daniel & Steph

Stephanie Roth| Stop TTIP European Initiative| Marienstraße 19/20, 10117 Berlin, Germany || +49 30 28482-371| stephanie.roth@stop-ttip.orgg

TTIP Image: 
TTIP Demo Hannover